I have always enjoyed reading and learning from other peoples knowledge and understanding. I have always felt that this is a positive trait of mine that. I have always believed that this makes me smarter and more rounded and gives me a better life. I also have always believed that it increases my spiritual connection with God, UNTIL NOW1!
Several years ago I read these wise words by Albert Einstein.
"Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking."
I thought I somewhat beleived it and also thought that I somewhat understood it. UNTIL NOW!
It's obvious that Einstein could not read anyone elses work to increase his knowledge, because he was one of the greatest physical minds alive. He had to obtain his knowledge from another source than books.
So, what source does all knowledge come from and contains more truth than books?
the bible is full of verses such as "Christ in whome are hid all treasures of winsdom and knowledge." Col 2:3
the Book of Mormon states "...Spirit dwelleth in me, which giveth me knowledge, and also power according to my faith..." Alma 18:19
President David O. McKay of the Mormon church said "In our worship there are two elements: One is the spiritual communion arising from our own meditation; the other,
instruction from others. . . . Of the two, the more profitable . . . is the meditation. Meditation is one of the most secret, most sacred doors through which we
pass into the presence of the Lord.
Jack Canfield said that of all the principals that make you successful meditation is the most important one.
So along these lines Earnest Holmes , founder of Religious Science mvement, was talking about the best philopophy's in the world and he said "by what process of mentality did they arrive at their profound conclusions? We are all compelled to recognize that Spirit alone was their Teacher; they were indeed taught of God."
So today I was sitting in my small mobile office that I call work and I was reading and I had this thought that was a summation of all the above thoughts.
All knowledge comes from God. God knows all things. God gives us knowledge through his spirit to our spirit. God can teach us all things and bring all things to our rememberance. God knows more than any book I can read. God's knowledge is more true than any book I can read.
So how much would it profit me to read God's knowledge instead of man's attempt to record what he thinks God's knowledge is? Would it be better for me to get my knowledge straight from the source of all life????
If I put away all my books that I love so much, and instead of getting my learning from man I spent my time in meditation and spirit would God teach me all things? Would he teach me in pure unfiltered knowledge?
I beleive that the answer to this question has to be yes. Once I decided that God will be my teacher, and once I submit to his truth, and once I follow him with all my heart, and once I dedicate my learning time to him. I beleive that he would teach me any subject from math to spirit, to sound investments.
Why would he not?
Is this what Einstine was talking about? Does there really come a point when we have enough knowledge to go to the source (God) and ask him to contnue our instruction and learning?
Meditate on this for a while and see how you feel.
My 2 stumbling blocks will be;
1) I love reading my books for many reasons and it will be hard to put them down.
2) actually dedicating time to meditate instead of other activities.
If I decided to remove these obsticals from my life, knowledge of all just may be in the near future.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
the happy ballance
We have all heard of how important it is to have balance in your life. Balance between family, God, Friends, Work and fun. However many times we dont think about being balanced in ourselves.
After going to the Hoffman Institute this is something that I think about more. They teach that there are several areas that balance is needed. These areas are Spiritual, Body, intellectually, Emotional, and Inner Child.
I have been thinking about the Inner Child recently. This is the fun and just pointless excitement that you create in your life. It is non Goal related. Its "playing in the sand box" or dancing to no music.
I do a good job of creating "play" time and I always believed that this was balance. I recently learned that "play time" is not always being balanced.
You see I was not playing for stress relief, or playing to enjoy, or playing to laugh etc. I was playing to numb.
A great example of this is mindless watching of television. I would believe that I was feeding my inner child, or balancing life by taking a break from work to watch T.V. The truth is when I walk away from the TV I am no more balanced than before. All I have done is numb the 4 quadrants of my self. I have numbed myself spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically and my inner child. Nothing is really fulfilled by watching T.V.
TV is just one example of this activity. The point is there is no creativity, no spontaneity, no really release and enjoyment. Just mind numbing time passing blank staring at a box on the wall.
I think of the days when I would just blast the stereo in the house and just live with the music rocking all the walls. That feeling of freedom and carefree-ness is what is really feeding your inner child.
We all must balance all aspects of our life to feel truly happy and also to work as an inner team ballanced and growing.
If your inner child does not get the same nourishment that your intellect gets from work then you will not really ever be fulfilled.
When's the last time you really fed your inner child? How long since you had a pep rally for your need for fun.
or did you just take a shot of TV and a snort of internet browsing along with an injection of a cross word puzzle.
The point is fun activities in life are needed. Dont substitute fun for numb. They are not the same. True fun will leave you better than it found you. Laugh till your side hurts and you will be relieved and back in balance again. It just works.
From now on I will look for fun opportunities to balance my life by regularly having real true and meaningful fun time with myself.
After going to the Hoffman Institute this is something that I think about more. They teach that there are several areas that balance is needed. These areas are Spiritual, Body, intellectually, Emotional, and Inner Child.
I have been thinking about the Inner Child recently. This is the fun and just pointless excitement that you create in your life. It is non Goal related. Its "playing in the sand box" or dancing to no music.
I do a good job of creating "play" time and I always believed that this was balance. I recently learned that "play time" is not always being balanced.
You see I was not playing for stress relief, or playing to enjoy, or playing to laugh etc. I was playing to numb.
A great example of this is mindless watching of television. I would believe that I was feeding my inner child, or balancing life by taking a break from work to watch T.V. The truth is when I walk away from the TV I am no more balanced than before. All I have done is numb the 4 quadrants of my self. I have numbed myself spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically and my inner child. Nothing is really fulfilled by watching T.V.
TV is just one example of this activity. The point is there is no creativity, no spontaneity, no really release and enjoyment. Just mind numbing time passing blank staring at a box on the wall.
I think of the days when I would just blast the stereo in the house and just live with the music rocking all the walls. That feeling of freedom and carefree-ness is what is really feeding your inner child.
We all must balance all aspects of our life to feel truly happy and also to work as an inner team ballanced and growing.
If your inner child does not get the same nourishment that your intellect gets from work then you will not really ever be fulfilled.
When's the last time you really fed your inner child? How long since you had a pep rally for your need for fun.
or did you just take a shot of TV and a snort of internet browsing along with an injection of a cross word puzzle.
The point is fun activities in life are needed. Dont substitute fun for numb. They are not the same. True fun will leave you better than it found you. Laugh till your side hurts and you will be relieved and back in balance again. It just works.
From now on I will look for fun opportunities to balance my life by regularly having real true and meaningful fun time with myself.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
mind body control
How much control over our body do we really have? I believe that when practiced and learned we have 100% control over our bodies. I believe this more after a few specific events.
I just returned from camping with my family. I shared my tent with my brother and sister-in-law and their young child (Jonathan). Jonathan has a hard time sleeping at night. My brother warned me that I might not get any sleep if I shared a tent with them.
I said "that's OK, I'll just turn my ears off before bed." Upon entering the tent they advised the same thing and I told them that I was going to turn my ears off again. I was 1/2 joking but also believed that it was possible.
I slept great. I woke up the next morning and my sister-in-law asked if Jonathan woke me up with all his crying and screaming. I did not hear a thing and I advised her of such. She said "not even when I finally got up and took him to the car." I told her that I never knew that he cried or that she left the tent.
I have had similar experiences with my good friend Mike and his young child. Mike has offered me ear plugs and I have told him that I would just "turn my ears off." For some reason this has really worked well.
In contrast....
At work in the past I have snoozed off sometimes purposely. This has happened when I have been very tired or working late shifts. For work I have to answer a radio when my 4 digit number is called and I have to differentiate my number from 100's of other numbers constantly blasting over the radio. My number is not always the same as it changes from time to time.
During these times that I have dozed off I have told myself that I would hear my radio if called. This has always been the case. I can dose off and be mostly unaware of other radio traffic, but if I am called then I immediately recognize it and wake up.
I have also recognized that when camping or when in environments where bathrooms are less available I don't have the need or urges to use the bathroom as often as when they are readily available. Is this due to my mind knowing its not available so my body responds by processing more food or by using the food better?
Would it be possible for our body's to process 100% of everything ingested and be completely efficient with no waist?
What could our body's achieve if we had total mind body control. Could our body create and build muscle without exercise?
Can we heal ourselves? I believe the answer to all of this is yes.
I don't know what it takes to create this but the first step has to be believing it is possible.
After that we must start to act by telling our body's what we want them to do. This might work better if in a meditative subconscious state of mind.
another important step would be to eliminate telling your body negative limiting statements such as "I'm sick" or "you can't do that" or "not strong enough" or "I'm allergic" or "I'm not in control of my ...."
Along these lines -
Christ could control his body with his mind. He could also control weather and plants, and animals with his mind. Do we have the same ability built in somewhere just waiting for us to learn how to use?
I just returned from camping with my family. I shared my tent with my brother and sister-in-law and their young child (Jonathan). Jonathan has a hard time sleeping at night. My brother warned me that I might not get any sleep if I shared a tent with them.
I said "that's OK, I'll just turn my ears off before bed." Upon entering the tent they advised the same thing and I told them that I was going to turn my ears off again. I was 1/2 joking but also believed that it was possible.
I slept great. I woke up the next morning and my sister-in-law asked if Jonathan woke me up with all his crying and screaming. I did not hear a thing and I advised her of such. She said "not even when I finally got up and took him to the car." I told her that I never knew that he cried or that she left the tent.
I have had similar experiences with my good friend Mike and his young child. Mike has offered me ear plugs and I have told him that I would just "turn my ears off." For some reason this has really worked well.
In contrast....
At work in the past I have snoozed off sometimes purposely. This has happened when I have been very tired or working late shifts. For work I have to answer a radio when my 4 digit number is called and I have to differentiate my number from 100's of other numbers constantly blasting over the radio. My number is not always the same as it changes from time to time.
During these times that I have dozed off I have told myself that I would hear my radio if called. This has always been the case. I can dose off and be mostly unaware of other radio traffic, but if I am called then I immediately recognize it and wake up.
I have also recognized that when camping or when in environments where bathrooms are less available I don't have the need or urges to use the bathroom as often as when they are readily available. Is this due to my mind knowing its not available so my body responds by processing more food or by using the food better?
Would it be possible for our body's to process 100% of everything ingested and be completely efficient with no waist?
What could our body's achieve if we had total mind body control. Could our body create and build muscle without exercise?
Can we heal ourselves? I believe the answer to all of this is yes.
I don't know what it takes to create this but the first step has to be believing it is possible.
After that we must start to act by telling our body's what we want them to do. This might work better if in a meditative subconscious state of mind.
another important step would be to eliminate telling your body negative limiting statements such as "I'm sick" or "you can't do that" or "not strong enough" or "I'm allergic" or "I'm not in control of my ...."
Along these lines -
Christ could control his body with his mind. He could also control weather and plants, and animals with his mind. Do we have the same ability built in somewhere just waiting for us to learn how to use?
Monday, October 20, 2008
I just returned home from a wonderful camping trip with much of my family including my brothers, sister, nieces, nephew, grandfather, and Mandy. I really enjoyed the trip but I also noticed the usual different personalities of the people coming out in negative ways.
This was a great experience for me because i realized that I am much less attached to reacting from these negative situations. I can not say that I did not react at all. Just the fact that I noticed them is a small reaction, but even more so I did have feelings inside and a few verbal reactions.
However, my reactions have diminished greatly, also my ability to just notice and not judge has increased greatly.
I believe that this is a result of several things. One is my constant pursuit of studying how to better myself and become more aware, and one is definitely my work at the Hoffman Institute, and lastly one has to be God strengthening me as I work and grow.
On the same lines, just a different twist, I went bowling with several people tonight. I went, and watched due to my finger being fractured last week. I "people watched" and talked with my friends.
Upon going home I realized that my blackberry did not get any attention at the bowling alley. I thought about this and realized that I was more present than I normally am by checking email and craigslist and texting on the cell phone.
I was not 100% present as I was watching others there and thinking about my superficial judgments of them.
Anyway I am excited as presence grows in my life and I become more aware of the now and less judgmental of it.
This was a great experience for me because i realized that I am much less attached to reacting from these negative situations. I can not say that I did not react at all. Just the fact that I noticed them is a small reaction, but even more so I did have feelings inside and a few verbal reactions.
However, my reactions have diminished greatly, also my ability to just notice and not judge has increased greatly.
I believe that this is a result of several things. One is my constant pursuit of studying how to better myself and become more aware, and one is definitely my work at the Hoffman Institute, and lastly one has to be God strengthening me as I work and grow.
On the same lines, just a different twist, I went bowling with several people tonight. I went, and watched due to my finger being fractured last week. I "people watched" and talked with my friends.
Upon going home I realized that my blackberry did not get any attention at the bowling alley. I thought about this and realized that I was more present than I normally am by checking email and craigslist and texting on the cell phone.
I was not 100% present as I was watching others there and thinking about my superficial judgments of them.
Anyway I am excited as presence grows in my life and I become more aware of the now and less judgmental of it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
what we cling to
Today at work I realized that at times I have a strong desire to connect with and cling to the thoughts associated with events I judge as negative. I realized I was doing it and thought about stopping and immediately my dark side told me how much I need, enjoy, and like doing it.
What happened is I had to go and do something that is unpleasant. I was rehearsing in my head why I did not want to do it etc. I then realized that "its just life" and that doing it was not a reflection on me nor was it a bad thing, it was just a thing. Anyway as I tried to elevate my thoughts to a new height something inside said that the negative chatter was a part of me. In fact I started to desire to identify with the negativity.
Its not so much that I wanted to be negative. Its more along the lines that the negativity was kind of like a day dream, or an escape or mind numbing. As long as I was focused on what I did not like then I was not really present and focused on what was true.
Anyway this was a big shock to me because I feel like I am such a positive person. I thought that I was rairly negitive, but the truth is I have negitive thoughts regularly.
I would say these negative thoughts are more along the lines of resistance. I am pushing against what ever it is that I have to do.
Here is an example.
I went through SWAT school once. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. Glad I'll never have to do that again. Anyway there was a man in our school that was out of shape and complained all the time. We litterally had to carry him everywhere we went. When we were on long runs carrying sand bags everywhere we went, we had to carry this guy as well. If he was falling behind we either carryed him or ran behind him and pushed him along.
He would fight us by pushing back on us when we pushed him. He would yell and complain that he could not do it and that he needed to stop.
Finally one of the other guys in my group said to him "its harder for you to resist us than to just let us push you." "we have to push you and we have to fight against your resistance."
I live life this way sometimes. The task must be done. Its harder to do it when I resist it than it is when I just do it and understand that its just life. It wont kill me and the more I fight it the worse it will be. Fighting rarely makes things better.
So I now vow to recognize my resistance to life events and to release the desire to resist when I observe it.
What happened is I had to go and do something that is unpleasant. I was rehearsing in my head why I did not want to do it etc. I then realized that "its just life" and that doing it was not a reflection on me nor was it a bad thing, it was just a thing. Anyway as I tried to elevate my thoughts to a new height something inside said that the negative chatter was a part of me. In fact I started to desire to identify with the negativity.
Its not so much that I wanted to be negative. Its more along the lines that the negativity was kind of like a day dream, or an escape or mind numbing. As long as I was focused on what I did not like then I was not really present and focused on what was true.
Anyway this was a big shock to me because I feel like I am such a positive person. I thought that I was rairly negitive, but the truth is I have negitive thoughts regularly.
I would say these negative thoughts are more along the lines of resistance. I am pushing against what ever it is that I have to do.
Here is an example.
I went through SWAT school once. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. Glad I'll never have to do that again. Anyway there was a man in our school that was out of shape and complained all the time. We litterally had to carry him everywhere we went. When we were on long runs carrying sand bags everywhere we went, we had to carry this guy as well. If he was falling behind we either carryed him or ran behind him and pushed him along.
He would fight us by pushing back on us when we pushed him. He would yell and complain that he could not do it and that he needed to stop.
Finally one of the other guys in my group said to him "its harder for you to resist us than to just let us push you." "we have to push you and we have to fight against your resistance."
I live life this way sometimes. The task must be done. Its harder to do it when I resist it than it is when I just do it and understand that its just life. It wont kill me and the more I fight it the worse it will be. Fighting rarely makes things better.
So I now vow to recognize my resistance to life events and to release the desire to resist when I observe it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
perspective changes destiny
The rain has been poring down unceasingly all day. This evening at work it appeared that I was going to have to get out of the car and swim in a deep ditch and try to assist someone else who had gotten stuck in the muddy cold flowing water.
As I was driving to this area I was thinking "I hope I dont have to get out of the car." As I thought this I decided to have a new perspective.
I thought about the strength I have and my ability to climb into the water and to help someone else. I thought about people in movies battling insurmountable odds to rescue themselves and others.
I though about bragging to my friends about my heroics of the evening.
As I though of these things my entire attitude changed. Suddenly I was not wishing that I did not have to get out in the October rain, but instead I was seeing myself triumphant and strong, soaking wet and yet soaking happy.
I no longer cared about the rain. Nothing really changed though. It was still cold. I was still me. The rain was still coming.
From now on my perspective will be one of the excitement of the ride instead of resistance to the ride.
As I was driving to this area I was thinking "I hope I dont have to get out of the car." As I thought this I decided to have a new perspective.
I thought about the strength I have and my ability to climb into the water and to help someone else. I thought about people in movies battling insurmountable odds to rescue themselves and others.
I though about bragging to my friends about my heroics of the evening.
As I though of these things my entire attitude changed. Suddenly I was not wishing that I did not have to get out in the October rain, but instead I was seeing myself triumphant and strong, soaking wet and yet soaking happy.
I no longer cared about the rain. Nothing really changed though. It was still cold. I was still me. The rain was still coming.
From now on my perspective will be one of the excitement of the ride instead of resistance to the ride.
the show of life
More and more I am realizing that life is so similar to a movie.
If I imagine myself at the movies watching a show I would not get upset or stressed or uncomfortable when negitive things happen in the movie. I would not get uncomfortable because these things are not real. They are a movie. I can get up and walk out of the movie any time I please.
I also know that in 2 hours the entire thing will be over nothing I saw really deeply affects me.
I am really starting to understand how this is just like life. We are living in a movie. we are so connected with this movie that we put more "stock" in it then we should. We call this movie "real life."
so basically we can judge everything that happens to us, or we can just observe everything that happens without judgment but just with the knowledge that we are watching a movie.
So when someone cuts you off, or you have a hard time at work, or you have to talk to a non English speaking customer service agent, or unforeseen circumstances pop up we have 2 choices.
Choice A) My life sucks, look what happened to me. I am so pissed/stressed/upset. I can feel the knots in my belly. I need to call and vent about this to someone.... etc.
Choice B) That was in interesting movie.
Not that I would use those exact words in describing events that take place but the point is that its "just life." Its just an event. If it rains it has nothing to do with you, its just clouds with too much moisture leaking down on the earth.
I guess I can sometimes take life too seriously and think that the things that are happening deserve a reaction from me. In actuality reaction to negative probably creates more negative, but just noticing and releasing the feeling is very liberating and makes life much happier.
If I imagine myself at the movies watching a show I would not get upset or stressed or uncomfortable when negitive things happen in the movie. I would not get uncomfortable because these things are not real. They are a movie. I can get up and walk out of the movie any time I please.
I also know that in 2 hours the entire thing will be over nothing I saw really deeply affects me.
I am really starting to understand how this is just like life. We are living in a movie. we are so connected with this movie that we put more "stock" in it then we should. We call this movie "real life."
so basically we can judge everything that happens to us, or we can just observe everything that happens without judgment but just with the knowledge that we are watching a movie.
So when someone cuts you off, or you have a hard time at work, or you have to talk to a non English speaking customer service agent, or unforeseen circumstances pop up we have 2 choices.
Choice A) My life sucks, look what happened to me. I am so pissed/stressed/upset. I can feel the knots in my belly. I need to call and vent about this to someone.... etc.
Choice B) That was in interesting movie.
Not that I would use those exact words in describing events that take place but the point is that its "just life." Its just an event. If it rains it has nothing to do with you, its just clouds with too much moisture leaking down on the earth.
I guess I can sometimes take life too seriously and think that the things that are happening deserve a reaction from me. In actuality reaction to negative probably creates more negative, but just noticing and releasing the feeling is very liberating and makes life much happier.
Where do "I" end?
Reading tonight I had this thought. Does the shape or form of my spirit stop at the edge of my body? Does my skin hold my spirit inside like a water tight bowl? Or, does "I" extend beyond the confines of this mortal vehicle?
I also considered how far my spirits influence can be felt and can feel in return. if this extends beyond my body then does my spirit itself extend with the influence?
So if my "i" is larger than my body then exactly how large am I? One inch? Ten feet? 100 miles?
The closest galaxy to ours is 2.4 million light years away. The universe is infinite. Do "i" extend that far? Am I 2.4 mil light years wide? And if so it would stand to reason that I am actually infinite or limitless in size.
Is that possible? Or is it possible for my influence to travel 2.4 million light years and be felt by others?
The sun's influence travels long distances and is still felt by all on earth. Am I the same?
I think so. I know I feel others influence from a distance at times. Distance is no barrier to spirit. So i literally influence the ever expanding infinite universe 2.5 million light years away and beyond. I wonder, when I pray, when I do something good, when I raise my spiritual level can other spirits tell and feel this influence from all corners of the galaxy? I believe that they can. I believe that when I grow it actually warms others lives and they can feel and notice this growth internally. I also believe there is no limit on the distance this influence can travel. Be it 2.4 million light years or more. After all, how many light years away does God live from us? And we still feel his influence.
Wow God really is amazing and so are we.
We are like an internet connection always on and stretching to all space limitless connection to all who choose to log on and connect with us.
I also considered how far my spirits influence can be felt and can feel in return. if this extends beyond my body then does my spirit itself extend with the influence?
So if my "i" is larger than my body then exactly how large am I? One inch? Ten feet? 100 miles?
The closest galaxy to ours is 2.4 million light years away. The universe is infinite. Do "i" extend that far? Am I 2.4 mil light years wide? And if so it would stand to reason that I am actually infinite or limitless in size.
Is that possible? Or is it possible for my influence to travel 2.4 million light years and be felt by others?
The sun's influence travels long distances and is still felt by all on earth. Am I the same?
I think so. I know I feel others influence from a distance at times. Distance is no barrier to spirit. So i literally influence the ever expanding infinite universe 2.5 million light years away and beyond. I wonder, when I pray, when I do something good, when I raise my spiritual level can other spirits tell and feel this influence from all corners of the galaxy? I believe that they can. I believe that when I grow it actually warms others lives and they can feel and notice this growth internally. I also believe there is no limit on the distance this influence can travel. Be it 2.4 million light years or more. After all, how many light years away does God live from us? And we still feel his influence.
Wow God really is amazing and so are we.
We are like an internet connection always on and stretching to all space limitless connection to all who choose to log on and connect with us.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
did you really forgive them?
I have always tried hard to be a forgiving person and I really have felt in the past, that I knew what forgiving someone was, until now.
there are several things I have done in the past to forgive someone. I have thought about what they did and seen that it was in the past. I have decided mentally to forgive them. I have prayed and asked God to forgive them. I have prayed for them.
Out of these and other things the biggest thing that made the biggest difference was deeply talking to my maker and asking him to "forgive them for they know not what they do."
When I do this there is just a peaceful and happy feeling that comes over me.
When I have done this I have felt like I really forgave them,
Until Now!
Today I was driving the ol police car and I was thinking about someone that I had "forgiven" and that had wronged me in a very rude and mean and vengefull way and I told myself that I had forgiven him and then I said what we all have said.
"He will get his." Its the idea of God will punish him for what he did. Its the idea that carma or fate or the universe will "get him back." Its the sew what you reap concept.
When I had this thought I realized that I as feeling vindictive toward this person. I realized that I hoped and wanted and believed that he would be punished for his actions.
In fact I wanted him to be punished by God for his actions.
Well when I realized this I realized that true forgiveness possesses absolutely no vindictiveness.
Christ did not say "I forgive them but make sure you punish them."
I don't remember Christ telling the people that he forgave that "what comes around goes around."
The truth is if I am still feeling vindictive or if I still think they deserve to be punished then I have not truly forgiven.
Along these notes - What comes around goes around. If I want them to be punished for what they have done, for their wrongs, then in all fairness I will be punished for what I did wrong, for my infractions.
Of course I want mercy. So perhaps its time I had some mercy and showed it to others.
From hence forth I will truly forgive and hope good to those that wrong me. I will pray that I can completely forgive them, that God will completely forgive them, and that good fortune will come their way.
Any less is not forgiveness, it is just acting like forgiveness.
there are several things I have done in the past to forgive someone. I have thought about what they did and seen that it was in the past. I have decided mentally to forgive them. I have prayed and asked God to forgive them. I have prayed for them.
Out of these and other things the biggest thing that made the biggest difference was deeply talking to my maker and asking him to "forgive them for they know not what they do."
When I do this there is just a peaceful and happy feeling that comes over me.
When I have done this I have felt like I really forgave them,
Until Now!
Today I was driving the ol police car and I was thinking about someone that I had "forgiven" and that had wronged me in a very rude and mean and vengefull way and I told myself that I had forgiven him and then I said what we all have said.
"He will get his." Its the idea of God will punish him for what he did. Its the idea that carma or fate or the universe will "get him back." Its the sew what you reap concept.
When I had this thought I realized that I as feeling vindictive toward this person. I realized that I hoped and wanted and believed that he would be punished for his actions.
In fact I wanted him to be punished by God for his actions.
Well when I realized this I realized that true forgiveness possesses absolutely no vindictiveness.
Christ did not say "I forgive them but make sure you punish them."
I don't remember Christ telling the people that he forgave that "what comes around goes around."
The truth is if I am still feeling vindictive or if I still think they deserve to be punished then I have not truly forgiven.
Along these notes - What comes around goes around. If I want them to be punished for what they have done, for their wrongs, then in all fairness I will be punished for what I did wrong, for my infractions.
Of course I want mercy. So perhaps its time I had some mercy and showed it to others.
From hence forth I will truly forgive and hope good to those that wrong me. I will pray that I can completely forgive them, that God will completely forgive them, and that good fortune will come their way.
Any less is not forgiveness, it is just acting like forgiveness.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
blessings vs troubles
My life has been so blessed. I can see thousands of things that I have been blessed for.
this makes me wonder why, at times, it is so much easier to see the negative troubles. Also its not just seeing the negative, but its "feeling" the negative. When I should be happier, when 85% of life is going just amazing. Why do I feel like im only 15% happy and 85% unhappy.
this does not happen all the time but it does happen. Tonight I have been feeling betrayed and somewhat lost and just unhappy, annoyed, vindictive, and empty, yet at the same time an outsider looking at my life would say "wow he has it together." When I look at my own life I know this is the case.
There are definitely areas to improve in, but all in all things are headed full tilt in the right direction.
So anyway this is something that I dont have an answer for as of right now. Its unusual for me not to have an answer, especially when I blog, but I guess in this state its how I feel.
this makes me wonder why, at times, it is so much easier to see the negative troubles. Also its not just seeing the negative, but its "feeling" the negative. When I should be happier, when 85% of life is going just amazing. Why do I feel like im only 15% happy and 85% unhappy.
this does not happen all the time but it does happen. Tonight I have been feeling betrayed and somewhat lost and just unhappy, annoyed, vindictive, and empty, yet at the same time an outsider looking at my life would say "wow he has it together." When I look at my own life I know this is the case.
There are definitely areas to improve in, but all in all things are headed full tilt in the right direction.
So anyway this is something that I dont have an answer for as of right now. Its unusual for me not to have an answer, especially when I blog, but I guess in this state its how I feel.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
labeling and owning pain
For a long time I have believed in faith. Faith is a power of God and it is a law of God. What you believe in comes true.
So, do you believe that you will get sick? Do you have faith that you will get sick?
Along these lines I have tried for a while to not "own" sickness or disease. When I am not feeling well I try to avoid saying "I am sick" or I am not feeling well. Instead I say "I am healthy." This is not always easy to do but the truth of the matter goes into who is "I." "I" is my spiritual self, the part that God created, the part that lives forever. "I" does not get sick. "I" lives forever. "I" can not feel pain etc. it is the body that does these things.
So today my body was experiencing a headache. I have written previously about judging. I judged my head as in pain. I think started to think about this judgment. I am telling myself that I hurt. Its the same as telling yourself that you are stupid or that something is wrong with you.
Perhaps you really are stupid, perhaps your head really does hurt. These are not the point of this thought.
The point is that when you decide to "own" the pain, or you decide to "own" the disease. When you say "I have XYZ." Then you accept it as truth and you have faith that you are sick. Faith creates what it believes.
However, the truth is you do not own this disease because You, Or I or your spirit is who is really alive and talking and your spirit can not get sick.
So I was thinking about judgment and about not judging life in general but just observing life. I decided that it makes since to not judge pain or sickness but to just observe pain or sickness.
I decided to just observe that my body was feeling a headache and observed that it was not attached or related to me at all but it just was.
It was not something to be upset about or to pout about or something that should make me behave differently, but it is just something that should be observed.
I noticed that the headache lessened and the part that was there did not matter any more because it could not hurt "I" and it was not part of me.
I have been trying to not have faith in being sick for sometime but it is very hard to do because we see it all around us. I think my new focus will be on just observing but not attaching to and not judging the physical aliment.
What does all this mean? Who knows, but it feels true to me and that's what matters.
So, do you believe that you will get sick? Do you have faith that you will get sick?
Along these lines I have tried for a while to not "own" sickness or disease. When I am not feeling well I try to avoid saying "I am sick" or I am not feeling well. Instead I say "I am healthy." This is not always easy to do but the truth of the matter goes into who is "I." "I" is my spiritual self, the part that God created, the part that lives forever. "I" does not get sick. "I" lives forever. "I" can not feel pain etc. it is the body that does these things.
So today my body was experiencing a headache. I have written previously about judging. I judged my head as in pain. I think started to think about this judgment. I am telling myself that I hurt. Its the same as telling yourself that you are stupid or that something is wrong with you.
Perhaps you really are stupid, perhaps your head really does hurt. These are not the point of this thought.
The point is that when you decide to "own" the pain, or you decide to "own" the disease. When you say "I have XYZ." Then you accept it as truth and you have faith that you are sick. Faith creates what it believes.
However, the truth is you do not own this disease because You, Or I or your spirit is who is really alive and talking and your spirit can not get sick.
So I was thinking about judgment and about not judging life in general but just observing life. I decided that it makes since to not judge pain or sickness but to just observe pain or sickness.
I decided to just observe that my body was feeling a headache and observed that it was not attached or related to me at all but it just was.
It was not something to be upset about or to pout about or something that should make me behave differently, but it is just something that should be observed.
I noticed that the headache lessened and the part that was there did not matter any more because it could not hurt "I" and it was not part of me.
I have been trying to not have faith in being sick for sometime but it is very hard to do because we see it all around us. I think my new focus will be on just observing but not attaching to and not judging the physical aliment.
What does all this mean? Who knows, but it feels true to me and that's what matters.
Monday, October 6, 2008
I just finished writing the previous post and I had an epiphany in my closing sentence. God gives life to us and to all events that we sense. Either he makes the event happen directly, or his children, nature, earth, whatever causes the event. Most events that happen around us are so beautiful and lovely that we don't recognize them any more. They are common place.
The events we do recognize are the ones we judge as Bad, Negative, Ugly, etc.
So if God creates beauty and life I think that judging things negatively actually creates death and sorrow and destruction. I can't fully explain this feeling I have right now but I can give a few thoughts and examples.
Judgments and stress cause ulcers. Ulcers lead to destruction or death of cells in your body.
Negative judgments lead to hate, envy, spite, torment, depression, sorrow, fear and many other undesirable emotions.
For example If I judge someone in a negative way I might start to hate them or fear they will hurt me. If I judge someone as having more than I have or more than they deserve I might envy them.
If I judge myself as being lacking in any field it could lead to depression etc.
So I now truly believe that judging almost anything is a destructive pattern that harms us and leads to our death, physically and also spiritually.
Can judging something as good be harmful as well? I say yes. For instance. Money is good, when I have money im "happy." I can go have fun and buy what I want when I have money. These judgments are positive toward money, but they are false and not true. Money is just money. It is not good or bad. It is paper printed with green ink. It does not comfort you when sad. It does not love you, and snuggle with it all you want but it will never call and say "I miss you."
You will, however, seek it with such desire that you will give up family, friends, and your very life (not physically speaking but living your life speaking) just to get a little more of it.
I believe that there are many if not all positive judgments that can be destructive. Wars have been fought on what people thought was a "positive judgment."
I believe it is a good idea to recognize all the time that i judge and decide if that judgement is really needed and helpful. Perhaps judging most events does nothing to me but make me want more or less of that event, and longing for more or less leaves you feeling lacking. God is not a god of lack, but of plenty.
The events we do recognize are the ones we judge as Bad, Negative, Ugly, etc.
So if God creates beauty and life I think that judging things negatively actually creates death and sorrow and destruction. I can't fully explain this feeling I have right now but I can give a few thoughts and examples.
Judgments and stress cause ulcers. Ulcers lead to destruction or death of cells in your body.
Negative judgments lead to hate, envy, spite, torment, depression, sorrow, fear and many other undesirable emotions.
For example If I judge someone in a negative way I might start to hate them or fear they will hurt me. If I judge someone as having more than I have or more than they deserve I might envy them.
If I judge myself as being lacking in any field it could lead to depression etc.
So I now truly believe that judging almost anything is a destructive pattern that harms us and leads to our death, physically and also spiritually.
Can judging something as good be harmful as well? I say yes. For instance. Money is good, when I have money im "happy." I can go have fun and buy what I want when I have money. These judgments are positive toward money, but they are false and not true. Money is just money. It is not good or bad. It is paper printed with green ink. It does not comfort you when sad. It does not love you, and snuggle with it all you want but it will never call and say "I miss you."
You will, however, seek it with such desire that you will give up family, friends, and your very life (not physically speaking but living your life speaking) just to get a little more of it.
I believe that there are many if not all positive judgments that can be destructive. Wars have been fought on what people thought was a "positive judgment."
I believe it is a good idea to recognize all the time that i judge and decide if that judgement is really needed and helpful. Perhaps judging most events does nothing to me but make me want more or less of that event, and longing for more or less leaves you feeling lacking. God is not a god of lack, but of plenty.
On noticing good/bad but not attaching to it
Several years ago I had this thought. I was considering smells and what they really mean. I smell things and sometimes they smell beautiful and sometimes they smell nasty. So as I was thinking about this I was trying to decide why a smell can smell "bad." I mean some smells can make a person nauseated.
I remember when I worked at Holly Sugar how strong and unpleasant the smell's were there. I was sick one day and walked into work. The smell hit me and I immediately ran to a trash can and threw up.
So back to the topic. What is a smell. From what I understand it is small particles of the substance that you are smelling. So why do we decide that one smell is bad and one is good?
When we sence that we are smelling something a signal goes to our brain and says "you are smelling oranges" or "you are smelling poop." We then make a judgment and say "that stinks" or that smells nice.
So I remember several years ago talking about this with my sister Ameris and trying to explain it to her. Most smells that smell bad are not physically bad for you but some are. It would make sence that smells representing harmful substances would be perceved as bad, but things like Sulfer are precieved to smell bad and sulfer is actaully good for you. Your body needs sulfer to survive and you body has a large amount of sulfer in every cell. Sulfer is good for your skin so why does it "stink."
I felt then and now that when we judge a smell it is due to a learned pattern or societal, inherited, or family teaching where we have decided something smells bad from programming and not from the substance actually smelling bad. Afterall Dog's dont seem to think anything smells bad. All smells to a dog just seem interesting.
So fastforwarding to today.....
I am reading Tolle's "A New Earth" and he just said "Some sounds may be natural -- water, wind, birds-- while others are mad made--. Some may be pleasant, others unpleasant. however, dont differentiate between good and bad. Allow each sound to be as it is, without interpretation.
The unplesent sound I thought if is the car driving by with bass shaking my house. However the bass is not the "unplesent sound." The unplesent sound is the guy driving it that is so rude and is blowing his own ear drums and has no respect for others. But is he really the problem. I judge that sound, not on the basis of it being a musical rythmic in tune and even interesting sound, but I judge it based on pre concieved notions about its creator. (Gangster rapper guy)
So Tolle has been telling me for a few days not to not judge but to just notice and when noticing recognize the peace inside and the "nothingness inside" as you observe.
This made me reflect back on smells. I tend to judge so much, and yet I used to believe that I did not judge at all. My eyes have been opened. I judge every smell, every sound, every thought, every event and I decide how to label this thing. Events happen in life. From now on I will notice the event, enjoy it if it is enjoyable and observe it if it is enjoyably. But if I am enjoying it I will understand that it is just an event, it does not last forever, and it does not define me.
I am not the event, I am the partaker of the event, Who I really am is a Son of God enjoying a beautiful creation that he has blessed me to recognize.
Perhaps next time 2a.m. comes by with a trunk rattling bass low rider I will see that God created that person, the ability to hear, and wonderful music to listen too and remember that good or bad I can just recognize the true source of life and not get caught up in judgment.
I remember when I worked at Holly Sugar how strong and unpleasant the smell's were there. I was sick one day and walked into work. The smell hit me and I immediately ran to a trash can and threw up.
So back to the topic. What is a smell. From what I understand it is small particles of the substance that you are smelling. So why do we decide that one smell is bad and one is good?
When we sence that we are smelling something a signal goes to our brain and says "you are smelling oranges" or "you are smelling poop." We then make a judgment and say "that stinks" or that smells nice.
So I remember several years ago talking about this with my sister Ameris and trying to explain it to her. Most smells that smell bad are not physically bad for you but some are. It would make sence that smells representing harmful substances would be perceved as bad, but things like Sulfer are precieved to smell bad and sulfer is actaully good for you. Your body needs sulfer to survive and you body has a large amount of sulfer in every cell. Sulfer is good for your skin so why does it "stink."
I felt then and now that when we judge a smell it is due to a learned pattern or societal, inherited, or family teaching where we have decided something smells bad from programming and not from the substance actually smelling bad. Afterall Dog's dont seem to think anything smells bad. All smells to a dog just seem interesting.
So fastforwarding to today.....
I am reading Tolle's "A New Earth" and he just said "Some sounds may be natural -- water, wind, birds-- while others are mad made--. Some may be pleasant, others unpleasant. however, dont differentiate between good and bad. Allow each sound to be as it is, without interpretation.
The unplesent sound I thought if is the car driving by with bass shaking my house. However the bass is not the "unplesent sound." The unplesent sound is the guy driving it that is so rude and is blowing his own ear drums and has no respect for others. But is he really the problem. I judge that sound, not on the basis of it being a musical rythmic in tune and even interesting sound, but I judge it based on pre concieved notions about its creator. (Gangster rapper guy)
So Tolle has been telling me for a few days not to not judge but to just notice and when noticing recognize the peace inside and the "nothingness inside" as you observe.
This made me reflect back on smells. I tend to judge so much, and yet I used to believe that I did not judge at all. My eyes have been opened. I judge every smell, every sound, every thought, every event and I decide how to label this thing. Events happen in life. From now on I will notice the event, enjoy it if it is enjoyable and observe it if it is enjoyably. But if I am enjoying it I will understand that it is just an event, it does not last forever, and it does not define me.
I am not the event, I am the partaker of the event, Who I really am is a Son of God enjoying a beautiful creation that he has blessed me to recognize.
Perhaps next time 2a.m. comes by with a trunk rattling bass low rider I will see that God created that person, the ability to hear, and wonderful music to listen too and remember that good or bad I can just recognize the true source of life and not get caught up in judgment.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
church conference today 1st 1/2
These are some of the thoughts I liked today, as best as I can type and remember them.
• Pile up enough tomorrows, and all you have is a bunch of empty yesterdays.
• Rather than dwelling on the past, make the most of here and now, today.
• Stresses come regardless of our circumstances, but we should not let them get in the way of what is more important. What is most important often involves the people around us.
• Never let a problem to be solved more important than a person to be loved.
• “They do not love that do not show their love” Shakespeare
• "Don’t let most important things pass you by as you plan for that elusive and non existent future where you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead find time to do what you want to do now."
• Do human beings ever realize life as they live it, every every minute?
• Abundance and lack of abundance exist simultaneously in our lives, always our conscious choice which secret gardens we focus on. “Love, help, family’s, friends, personal pursuits that bring happiness” and we experience heaven on earth.
• “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God” –Paul
• Fill days with gratitude in our hearts and with things that matter most. Cherish those that we love and express it.
• Find Joy In The Journey
• Pile up enough tomorrows, and all you have is a bunch of empty yesterdays.
• Rather than dwelling on the past, make the most of here and now, today.
• Stresses come regardless of our circumstances, but we should not let them get in the way of what is more important. What is most important often involves the people around us.
• Never let a problem to be solved more important than a person to be loved.
• “They do not love that do not show their love” Shakespeare
• "Don’t let most important things pass you by as you plan for that elusive and non existent future where you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead find time to do what you want to do now."
• Do human beings ever realize life as they live it, every every minute?
• Abundance and lack of abundance exist simultaneously in our lives, always our conscious choice which secret gardens we focus on. “Love, help, family’s, friends, personal pursuits that bring happiness” and we experience heaven on earth.
• “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God” –Paul
• Fill days with gratitude in our hearts and with things that matter most. Cherish those that we love and express it.
• Find Joy In The Journey
God does not walk in crooked paths.
God does not walk in crooked paths. To keep your path straight you need some type of guide, IE compass, Map, Trail, GPS, Guideposts.
I think it would be a good idea for me to label and define the guideposts in my life that can help make my path straight.
I think it would be a good idea for me to label and define the guideposts in my life that can help make my path straight.
So I took several tests today.
In my past I have not believed in my test taking abilities. I have also lied and said that I was not a very good test taker.
I realized this lie and realized that everything I have ever studied is stored somewhere and I just have to access that information. Furthermore I realized that the lord and holy spirit are able to give me all knowledge. Some people believe in a universal intelligence that we all share. I also believe in many concepts of t his idea.
So upon taking these tests today I did my best to not say "I dont know" but to just ponder the questions for a while and see what happened.
The first test I took was on a subject mater that I literally have never studdied. It was a web page that had a test on it that people can take to become "experts" about the sight. Well I missed one question scoring a 96. Not bad.
I took about 6 more tests today and really worked on believeing that i knew the answers.
i can not say 100% that this caused me to score better, although I did score well on almost all of the tests, but I can say that I now have much more confidence when it comes to test taking, and that in itself is a start to better testing abilities.
So my goal is to never say "I dont know" or to assume that I dont know but just to know that God can give me the answer and that I know the answer if I studied and so therefore I always know the answer in one form or another. I just have to access that answer in some way.
So I do know.
In my past I have not believed in my test taking abilities. I have also lied and said that I was not a very good test taker.
I realized this lie and realized that everything I have ever studied is stored somewhere and I just have to access that information. Furthermore I realized that the lord and holy spirit are able to give me all knowledge. Some people believe in a universal intelligence that we all share. I also believe in many concepts of t his idea.
So upon taking these tests today I did my best to not say "I dont know" but to just ponder the questions for a while and see what happened.
The first test I took was on a subject mater that I literally have never studdied. It was a web page that had a test on it that people can take to become "experts" about the sight. Well I missed one question scoring a 96. Not bad.
I took about 6 more tests today and really worked on believeing that i knew the answers.
i can not say 100% that this caused me to score better, although I did score well on almost all of the tests, but I can say that I now have much more confidence when it comes to test taking, and that in itself is a start to better testing abilities.
So my goal is to never say "I dont know" or to assume that I dont know but just to know that God can give me the answer and that I know the answer if I studied and so therefore I always know the answer in one form or another. I just have to access that answer in some way.
So I do know.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Previous blogs transposed to blogger
Monday, October 08, 2007
want to know why God gives us troubles?
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Oct 9th, 2007 article that I found inspiring: "In order to attain the destiny God has promised us, we must know how to experience a difficult period -- and then get up and "shake it off" -- so we can finish our journey! The ability to finish is produced by endurance, not emotion. To endure is to bear trials with fortitude, and persevere -- and to persevere, you have to have a thick skin and a tender heart. The world's "systems" will put up barricades to block your progress, and keep you in the position they want you to be in. These systems are held in place by mindsets -- also called strongholds -- that try to keep you down and oppressed. To over-come any barricade or stronghold you must replace its influence over your life -- you must "shake it off," and embrace God's system of doing things! When you are governed by God's system, you live by what His Word says. And His Word says that that all things are possible for those who believe (Matthew 19:26)...that endurance and patience "perfect" us for our promises (James 1:3-4)...and that, with His help, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37)! So recognize any barricade to attaining the promise of God in your life as a "stronghold" or "mindset"-- and embrace God's Word, to "shake it off!"
Friday, September 28, 2007
The true secret to changing other people.
Category: Life
Would you like to know the true secret to changing other people? Want to know how to make people who you want them to be?
I will talk about that, but first I want to share a thought with you. Im reading a book, (not a very good one either) "simple abundance" but the book produced a thought.
How often do we want to change someone or something. How often do we want to change the world? How often do we look at someone and judge them and say "they do it wrong, or they could do better, or the are bad because..."
Everyone is doing the best they can do with what they have. If they knew how to do better, if they had the motivation to do better, if the had the social support to do better then they would do better.
Im not making excuses for other people to live a bad life, Im simply stating a way to look at the way others lives are and not judge them. If you really believe they are doing the best they can then you are not interested in judging their negitive bad actions and habits.
So the quote from the book is "This is like shouting at a child that he is only three years old." No matter how much you tell the child, no matter how loud you yell the child will still be three and the child will still do 3 year old things including wetting the bed and spilling his food, or yelling in public. The child is doing the best that he can with what he currently has available.
How often do you, and I let our desire to "change the 3 year old" start controling our lives. How often do we get streesed or frustrated due to the way other people are living their lives.
So the next time someone NEEDS CHANGE just walk up to them and say "You are only three years old." They may not change the way you want, but if you yell their faults at them all youll get is a sore voice, at least you will get a smile out of this, and perhaps you will even realized that attempting to change other people is like telling an apple tree to start producing water mellons. The tree wont do it and you will get an ulcer trying.
So my true secret to changing people is not that the people need change, but that our view of the peole needs to change. We are the ones that need to quit judging. Just because they dont look 3 does not mean they are not three inside.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Don’t you get the big picture of the war?
Current mood: tired
Category: News and Politics
Can anyone really understand all that is going on in this war?
I defiantly don't claim some all knowing power that explains the war and all of its agendas and Goals. From the beginning of this war there has been much debate over why we are there. For oil, for weapons, cause Bush hates the middle east, or whatever the reasons. I have my own beliefs on why we are there and why we are not there.
However, this I just must say, whatever the reason we are over there. Americans are selfish!
Here is why. I hear gripes about the war for a few reasons. 1st is the money we are spending. Another is the men/women who are injured and killed. I hear people complain about how the war is affecting their lives, how its hurting them, how they are embarrassed of our country because of the war. Shame on you you selfish American.
I mean 1st, other than money, the war does not directly affect the majority of the people in this country. All other issues are mostly not felt by all. There is a loss of life, and this is very sad, and this is felt strongly by the families and friends involved, but again, the majority return home safe, and the majority dont deal with the loss.
So it really all comes down to money. Here is my question to you. We are the richest country in the world. We have more blessings, freedoms, luxuries than anyone else. WE HAVE AIRCONDITIONERS IN OUR HOMES. We have take home food, and dish network, and internet, and comfortable cars. We have saftey in our homes and schools (for the most part.) We are safe in our country for the most part. We have ever possible blessing that almost no one else has. And where do we decide we can complain about money?
Would you save a young child for a few bucks? What about a few hundred bucks? If you knew a child that you never met would die without your help and you were the only one around, would you help that child, even if it hurt your pocket book? What about an adult, would you help the adult too?
The people in the middle east not only live in poverty, but oppression, and the grossest crimes a government can impose. Rape, murder, torture and whole families killed for political entertainment. All happening while we spend $8 on a movie.
Im tight with money, I dont like it when the government decides how I spend my hard earned cash, but come on, a few bucks out of my pocket so some kid can grow up in a safe country and get an edjucation? Ill stand up and fight for that. A few bucks out of my pocket so a whole country, millions of people, can enjoy a better quality of life? Ill stand up and fight for that. All I can say is wow, we are so blessed, whom much is given much is required, and every now and again God needs someone to help our neighbors out.
I dont care what the political reasons for the war are, as long as in the end some of our earthly neighbors enjoy a better quality of life.
Enjoy these pictures and tell me how much out of your pocket these kids are worth.

Friday, September 14, 2007
they wood money conspiracy
Current mood: cheerful
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
Money doesn't grow on trees, but money is made out of trees, and you can buy trees with money. Course you have to cut down a tree to make the money to buy another tree. Just thought you might want to know my thought of the day and some of the uses/origins of money.
P.S. if you buy the tree with a credit card then you did not have to cut a tree down to buy a tree.
P.P.S. this just proves wrong the saying "it takes money to make money." It actually takes a tree to make money.
P.P.P.S. while on the topic of "it takes money to make money." That is a false statement. Anyone can get a job and then "make money" and that did not take any money. According to the smartest man in the world, I.E. myself, the saying should be "it takes money to make money work for you." But the money that is working for you does not have to be your own money, you can borrow someone elses money, make their money work for you, and then keep a % of their money. Thats what I do as often as possible, of course this brings us to a new thought string.
P.P.P.P.S. if you borrow someone elses money and use it to make money, then why do you need to cut the tree down in the first place, I mean you could have just made money out of money, no tree needed.
The End
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I figured out what you really value!
Category: Romance and Relationships
It's no secret that we do what we value most. Every day as you go about your life you allot your time according to what you feel is important for the day. 99% of the time this is what you also value. If you did not value it, then you would not put time in it.
Does your heart and your head ever conflict with what you value. In my life I allot much time to things that my heart or spirit finds no value in. My mind or ego or pride or "needs" find value in it, but my core being finds it worthless.
This either means that I'm trying to live someone else's imposed values or it means that I am "addicted" or have habits to values that are not in line with my core beliefs.
If you feel you should be doing more of one thing or less of another than you are trapped by one of the following
a) --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->You believe that you are not doing what society, your mother, your friends, or God wants you to do.
b) --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->You are habitually or addictively following a value that does not fit with your core or true self.
How many times are we at work and feel that we "should" be doing something else, ie at home with the family. Not living according to your values breeds unhappiness. When I am "shoulding" on myself I am unhappy because I feel that I am not living my life correctly. Work is a value to me, so instead I need understand that my work is valuable and enjoy the value I get out of it. (in this case work is just an example, I enjoy my job 95% of the time. I also value the money my work brings in)
Also, how often do we try to live others values instead of our own? This happens a lot in relationships and causes lots of discontent. We try to live the values of our significant instead of our own values. Our significant tries to impose their values on us instead of allowing us to live our own values.
When something is not important to you and you are forced to participate you do so grudgingly and unhappily and you try to project this unhappiness on the force/person making you perform.
How to Discover Your Core Values Now
So, before we can work on our values we must know what they are. Before we can judge others values according to our own we must know our values. If we know our values and those of the people around us then we will be able to build harmonious relationships based on common values.
For the next week I have created a spread sheet. It is similar to a budget spreadsheet. I input the minuets I spend working, playing, emailing, working out, reading, spiritual growth and other areas. At the end of the week I will see where I spent most of my time. For the most part, time will be associated with highest value. If my personal belief of my highest value is not in line with where I spend the most time then I know that one of the above is going on and I need to adjust my time to fit my values or I need to stop caring what others think or I need to break habits.
I invite any readers to do the same. Calculate your current highest values by tracking where you spend your time and see what you learn about yourself and you're significant if they chose to participate. If they chose not to participate then they do not value what their values are.
Friday, September 07, 2007
are you ever lonely?
Category: Romance and Relationships
While reading a book by the amazing Dr. John F. Demartini (who I had the pleasure to meet once) I found this great thought/explanation on loneliness.
Here goes, tell me what you think!
"Have you ever been physically close to someone, even in bed, and felt a huge distance between you? Have you ever been thousands of miles from another person yet felt as if they were right next to you? If so, then you already know that loneliness has little to do with being alone."
I could completely relate to both extremes of this statement. John goes on to say that lonesomeness is how you perceive yourself in relation to your environment and that its a myth that someone else'es presence can "complete" you.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
beer and lug nuts
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Ok, so the title did not have anything to do with the blog, but I just wanted to get you to open this. He he he.
If your reading this then it worked.
For the past 3.5 years or so there has been a person named Pete aka (Glenard Bently) who has constantly gone out of his way to try and offend me, get me in trouble, and just be a jerk.
So I have always felt that I have done well in forgiving him and looking past him making up lies to try and get me put in jail etc.
Pete has done all of this because he does not like my profession, my religion, my age, and my amazing good looks.
Many times have I decided in my head that I forgive Pete of all that he has done to me and I do my best to try and not hold a grudge against him.
So the other day I heard something from somewhere that I dont remember. The quote was that we should pray to God and ask him to forgive those who have wronged us. I thought this was a wonderful idea because it is exactly what Christ did when he was on the cross. Christ asked God to forgive the people that were killing him.
I felt as if I had forgiven Pete but decided I should pray and ask God to forgive him. I said a prayer, during which peace filled my body and I felt love and understanding from God. It was an amazing feeling and experience. To me it was as if I was telling God not to judge Pete for all of his infractions but to forgive him. How beautiful is that?
Anyway 1st thought is that if there is someone that has wronged you, even if you have forgiven them, ask God to do the same and notice the amazing shift in your feelings.
2nd thought.... if we truly love everyone, and understand that everyone "sinns against others" then we know that there is no need for us to forgive others because if we need to forgive then it implyes that we were judging them in the first place.
True love will remove all negitive judgments and therefore remove the need to forgive those. As I learn to love everyone I will not be offended by them, I will just understand where they are coming from and understand that they are doing the best they can do with what they have. There will be no animocity because there is no infraction.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
passing judgement
Category: Religion and Philosophy
In my work I judge people regularly. I am constantly trying to see them in their situation and not look down on them, but just take them as an equil. It is not something that is easy to do.
Anyway reading "the eye of the I" by Dr David R. Hawkins. I enjoyed this quote - "If we avoid the hypothetical positionality that people 'could' be different than they are, we see that, in actuality, people can't really help being other than they are. If they could be different, they would be." "Seek to understand rather than to condemn."
I feel that judgement is a lack of humility and a lack of love for others. If we truly loved everyone then we would know that they are just like us, walking on the path of life and learning as they go. We may be in different places on this path, but we are all on the path and therefor no better/worse than the people that pass us or that we pass on the trail. Just moving at different speeds. If we truly love and are humble I think we will come to a place where judgement is not in our vocabulary.
Friday, August 31, 2007
on gratitude
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Im busy, like everyone. I make time for what I want to make time for, and if I dont make time for it my excuse is "im busy."
Anyway, when I get sweped into the river of life I forget to notice the beautiful world around us. I believe gratitute is my key to slowing down and climbing out of the river sweaping me down stream.
If I take a moment to notice the sky above, and how beautiful it is, and let the Lord know im grateful for it the day just brings peace. This is true with all of my many blessings.
Today im greatful for friends and beauty
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
what matters
how often do we live in the "where we should be in life" dream instead of enjoying where we are now? If we dont enjoy now then we dont enjoy life.
"Where you are right now is all that really matters..
Move forward in this incarnation with the wisdom of functioning from the now; it's all you need to do. Be present with yourself at all times and the future will take care of itself. As you move forward, you are actually clearing a path for yourself.
Allow yourself the freedom to create from the now.."
© www.jovius.org
all rights reserved
want to know why God gives us troubles?
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Oct 9th, 2007 article that I found inspiring: "In order to attain the destiny God has promised us, we must know how to experience a difficult period -- and then get up and "shake it off" -- so we can finish our journey! The ability to finish is produced by endurance, not emotion. To endure is to bear trials with fortitude, and persevere -- and to persevere, you have to have a thick skin and a tender heart. The world's "systems" will put up barricades to block your progress, and keep you in the position they want you to be in. These systems are held in place by mindsets -- also called strongholds -- that try to keep you down and oppressed. To over-come any barricade or stronghold you must replace its influence over your life -- you must "shake it off," and embrace God's system of doing things! When you are governed by God's system, you live by what His Word says. And His Word says that that all things are possible for those who believe (Matthew 19:26)...that endurance and patience "perfect" us for our promises (James 1:3-4)...and that, with His help, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37)! So recognize any barricade to attaining the promise of God in your life as a "stronghold" or "mindset"-- and embrace God's Word, to "shake it off!"
Friday, September 28, 2007
The true secret to changing other people.
Category: Life
Would you like to know the true secret to changing other people? Want to know how to make people who you want them to be?
I will talk about that, but first I want to share a thought with you. Im reading a book, (not a very good one either) "simple abundance" but the book produced a thought.
How often do we want to change someone or something. How often do we want to change the world? How often do we look at someone and judge them and say "they do it wrong, or they could do better, or the are bad because..."
Everyone is doing the best they can do with what they have. If they knew how to do better, if they had the motivation to do better, if the had the social support to do better then they would do better.
Im not making excuses for other people to live a bad life, Im simply stating a way to look at the way others lives are and not judge them. If you really believe they are doing the best they can then you are not interested in judging their negitive bad actions and habits.
So the quote from the book is "This is like shouting at a child that he is only three years old." No matter how much you tell the child, no matter how loud you yell the child will still be three and the child will still do 3 year old things including wetting the bed and spilling his food, or yelling in public. The child is doing the best that he can with what he currently has available.
How often do you, and I let our desire to "change the 3 year old" start controling our lives. How often do we get streesed or frustrated due to the way other people are living their lives.
So the next time someone NEEDS CHANGE just walk up to them and say "You are only three years old." They may not change the way you want, but if you yell their faults at them all youll get is a sore voice, at least you will get a smile out of this, and perhaps you will even realized that attempting to change other people is like telling an apple tree to start producing water mellons. The tree wont do it and you will get an ulcer trying.
So my true secret to changing people is not that the people need change, but that our view of the peole needs to change. We are the ones that need to quit judging. Just because they dont look 3 does not mean they are not three inside.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Don’t you get the big picture of the war?
Current mood: tired
Category: News and Politics
Can anyone really understand all that is going on in this war?
I defiantly don't claim some all knowing power that explains the war and all of its agendas and Goals. From the beginning of this war there has been much debate over why we are there. For oil, for weapons, cause Bush hates the middle east, or whatever the reasons. I have my own beliefs on why we are there and why we are not there.
However, this I just must say, whatever the reason we are over there. Americans are selfish!
Here is why. I hear gripes about the war for a few reasons. 1st is the money we are spending. Another is the men/women who are injured and killed. I hear people complain about how the war is affecting their lives, how its hurting them, how they are embarrassed of our country because of the war. Shame on you you selfish American.
I mean 1st, other than money, the war does not directly affect the majority of the people in this country. All other issues are mostly not felt by all. There is a loss of life, and this is very sad, and this is felt strongly by the families and friends involved, but again, the majority return home safe, and the majority dont deal with the loss.
So it really all comes down to money. Here is my question to you. We are the richest country in the world. We have more blessings, freedoms, luxuries than anyone else. WE HAVE AIRCONDITIONERS IN OUR HOMES. We have take home food, and dish network, and internet, and comfortable cars. We have saftey in our homes and schools (for the most part.) We are safe in our country for the most part. We have ever possible blessing that almost no one else has. And where do we decide we can complain about money?
Would you save a young child for a few bucks? What about a few hundred bucks? If you knew a child that you never met would die without your help and you were the only one around, would you help that child, even if it hurt your pocket book? What about an adult, would you help the adult too?
The people in the middle east not only live in poverty, but oppression, and the grossest crimes a government can impose. Rape, murder, torture and whole families killed for political entertainment. All happening while we spend $8 on a movie.
Im tight with money, I dont like it when the government decides how I spend my hard earned cash, but come on, a few bucks out of my pocket so some kid can grow up in a safe country and get an edjucation? Ill stand up and fight for that. A few bucks out of my pocket so a whole country, millions of people, can enjoy a better quality of life? Ill stand up and fight for that. All I can say is wow, we are so blessed, whom much is given much is required, and every now and again God needs someone to help our neighbors out.
I dont care what the political reasons for the war are, as long as in the end some of our earthly neighbors enjoy a better quality of life.
Enjoy these pictures and tell me how much out of your pocket these kids are worth.

Friday, September 14, 2007
they wood money conspiracy
Current mood: cheerful
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
Money doesn't grow on trees, but money is made out of trees, and you can buy trees with money. Course you have to cut down a tree to make the money to buy another tree. Just thought you might want to know my thought of the day and some of the uses/origins of money.
P.S. if you buy the tree with a credit card then you did not have to cut a tree down to buy a tree.
P.P.S. this just proves wrong the saying "it takes money to make money." It actually takes a tree to make money.
P.P.P.S. while on the topic of "it takes money to make money." That is a false statement. Anyone can get a job and then "make money" and that did not take any money. According to the smartest man in the world, I.E. myself, the saying should be "it takes money to make money work for you." But the money that is working for you does not have to be your own money, you can borrow someone elses money, make their money work for you, and then keep a % of their money. Thats what I do as often as possible, of course this brings us to a new thought string.
P.P.P.P.S. if you borrow someone elses money and use it to make money, then why do you need to cut the tree down in the first place, I mean you could have just made money out of money, no tree needed.
The End
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I figured out what you really value!
Category: Romance and Relationships
It's no secret that we do what we value most. Every day as you go about your life you allot your time according to what you feel is important for the day. 99% of the time this is what you also value. If you did not value it, then you would not put time in it.
Does your heart and your head ever conflict with what you value. In my life I allot much time to things that my heart or spirit finds no value in. My mind or ego or pride or "needs" find value in it, but my core being finds it worthless.
This either means that I'm trying to live someone else's imposed values or it means that I am "addicted" or have habits to values that are not in line with my core beliefs.
If you feel you should be doing more of one thing or less of another than you are trapped by one of the following
a) --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->You believe that you are not doing what society, your mother, your friends, or God wants you to do.
b) --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> -->You are habitually or addictively following a value that does not fit with your core or true self.
How many times are we at work and feel that we "should" be doing something else, ie at home with the family. Not living according to your values breeds unhappiness. When I am "shoulding" on myself I am unhappy because I feel that I am not living my life correctly. Work is a value to me, so instead I need understand that my work is valuable and enjoy the value I get out of it. (in this case work is just an example, I enjoy my job 95% of the time. I also value the money my work brings in)
Also, how often do we try to live others values instead of our own? This happens a lot in relationships and causes lots of discontent. We try to live the values of our significant instead of our own values. Our significant tries to impose their values on us instead of allowing us to live our own values.
When something is not important to you and you are forced to participate you do so grudgingly and unhappily and you try to project this unhappiness on the force/person making you perform.
How to Discover Your Core Values Now
So, before we can work on our values we must know what they are. Before we can judge others values according to our own we must know our values. If we know our values and those of the people around us then we will be able to build harmonious relationships based on common values.
For the next week I have created a spread sheet. It is similar to a budget spreadsheet. I input the minuets I spend working, playing, emailing, working out, reading, spiritual growth and other areas. At the end of the week I will see where I spent most of my time. For the most part, time will be associated with highest value. If my personal belief of my highest value is not in line with where I spend the most time then I know that one of the above is going on and I need to adjust my time to fit my values or I need to stop caring what others think or I need to break habits.
I invite any readers to do the same. Calculate your current highest values by tracking where you spend your time and see what you learn about yourself and you're significant if they chose to participate. If they chose not to participate then they do not value what their values are.
Friday, September 07, 2007
are you ever lonely?
Category: Romance and Relationships
While reading a book by the amazing Dr. John F. Demartini (who I had the pleasure to meet once) I found this great thought/explanation on loneliness.
Here goes, tell me what you think!
"Have you ever been physically close to someone, even in bed, and felt a huge distance between you? Have you ever been thousands of miles from another person yet felt as if they were right next to you? If so, then you already know that loneliness has little to do with being alone."
I could completely relate to both extremes of this statement. John goes on to say that lonesomeness is how you perceive yourself in relation to your environment and that its a myth that someone else'es presence can "complete" you.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
beer and lug nuts
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Ok, so the title did not have anything to do with the blog, but I just wanted to get you to open this. He he he.
If your reading this then it worked.
For the past 3.5 years or so there has been a person named Pete aka (Glenard Bently) who has constantly gone out of his way to try and offend me, get me in trouble, and just be a jerk.
So I have always felt that I have done well in forgiving him and looking past him making up lies to try and get me put in jail etc.
Pete has done all of this because he does not like my profession, my religion, my age, and my amazing good looks.
Many times have I decided in my head that I forgive Pete of all that he has done to me and I do my best to try and not hold a grudge against him.
So the other day I heard something from somewhere that I dont remember. The quote was that we should pray to God and ask him to forgive those who have wronged us. I thought this was a wonderful idea because it is exactly what Christ did when he was on the cross. Christ asked God to forgive the people that were killing him.
I felt as if I had forgiven Pete but decided I should pray and ask God to forgive him. I said a prayer, during which peace filled my body and I felt love and understanding from God. It was an amazing feeling and experience. To me it was as if I was telling God not to judge Pete for all of his infractions but to forgive him. How beautiful is that?
Anyway 1st thought is that if there is someone that has wronged you, even if you have forgiven them, ask God to do the same and notice the amazing shift in your feelings.
2nd thought.... if we truly love everyone, and understand that everyone "sinns against others" then we know that there is no need for us to forgive others because if we need to forgive then it implyes that we were judging them in the first place.
True love will remove all negitive judgments and therefore remove the need to forgive those. As I learn to love everyone I will not be offended by them, I will just understand where they are coming from and understand that they are doing the best they can do with what they have. There will be no animocity because there is no infraction.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
passing judgement
Category: Religion and Philosophy
In my work I judge people regularly. I am constantly trying to see them in their situation and not look down on them, but just take them as an equil. It is not something that is easy to do.
Anyway reading "the eye of the I" by Dr David R. Hawkins. I enjoyed this quote - "If we avoid the hypothetical positionality that people 'could' be different than they are, we see that, in actuality, people can't really help being other than they are. If they could be different, they would be." "Seek to understand rather than to condemn."
I feel that judgement is a lack of humility and a lack of love for others. If we truly loved everyone then we would know that they are just like us, walking on the path of life and learning as they go. We may be in different places on this path, but we are all on the path and therefor no better/worse than the people that pass us or that we pass on the trail. Just moving at different speeds. If we truly love and are humble I think we will come to a place where judgement is not in our vocabulary.
Friday, August 31, 2007
on gratitude
Category: Religion and Philosophy
Im busy, like everyone. I make time for what I want to make time for, and if I dont make time for it my excuse is "im busy."
Anyway, when I get sweped into the river of life I forget to notice the beautiful world around us. I believe gratitute is my key to slowing down and climbing out of the river sweaping me down stream.
If I take a moment to notice the sky above, and how beautiful it is, and let the Lord know im grateful for it the day just brings peace. This is true with all of my many blessings.
Today im greatful for friends and beauty
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
what matters
how often do we live in the "where we should be in life" dream instead of enjoying where we are now? If we dont enjoy now then we dont enjoy life.
"Where you are right now is all that really matters..
Move forward in this incarnation with the wisdom of functioning from the now; it's all you need to do. Be present with yourself at all times and the future will take care of itself. As you move forward, you are actually clearing a path for yourself.
Allow yourself the freedom to create from the now.."
© www.jovius.org
all rights reserved
Thursday, October 2, 2008
One person can change the world
I got this great email from Andrew who attended the Hoffman Process with me. I just had to put it in here.
A thought for the day.
> While we were deep in the process, September 26 was the the 25th
> anniversary of Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov's heroic decision to
> disobey standing Soviet military orders, and to refuse to launch a
> nuclear counterstrike against the United States in response to a
> radar warning that several missiles were approaching Soviet
> territory over the poles.
> In doing so, he prevented the massive exchange of ICBMs that would
> certainly have followed, had he given the order to launch on
> warning. The radar warning was a false alarm, of course, and as his
> reward for saving the world from a nuclear holocaust, Petrov was
> transferred to other duties :-)
> Still, I find the example comforting. And inspiring.
> Even at its worst, a world of darkness can be stopped in its tracks
> by a few individual acts of light. And we all have that light within
> us.
> Love you all - Andrew
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